Hotel Coral Cliff (Montego Bay)

Gloucester Ave, Montego Bay, Jamaica Ver ubicación
Hotel Coral Cliff
Gloucester Ave, Montego Bay, Jamaica

Información general del hotel Coral Cliff

Conoce el Coral Cliff

Ideally located in the heart of Montego Bay's "Hip Strip", the property is engulfed by nightlife, beautiful beaches and a host of activities and attractions. A unique entertainment environment never before seen in the Caribbean. Embracing the resort's motto " Simply Exciting, Simply Entertaining, Simply..., Simply Exhilarating", the team ensures that each guest who visits the resort has a "Simply Overwhelming" experience. Themed to create a tropical jungle fantasyland, the concept of entertainment is mirrored throughout the rooms, dining, events, shows and overall services to reflect the story of a beautiful mermaid's adventure from the sea to an enchanted jungle.

Lugares de interés en Montego Bay